membership info

What is included in your membership?

All membership levels offer you instant access to on-demand lectures and other materials as they are produced.



Course presentations are provided in video lecture format, and are scheduled to be released in weekly module sets. Each video lesson averages about 30 minutes.



We offer downloadable resources that include supplementary readings and other materials.



Scheduled interactive components akin "office hours" and "recitations" are offered where your Professor answers questions sent in online and provides advice and insights. Click here to view schedule of upcoming live-sessions.



Basic Monthly Membership

 Basic Membership $ 12.99 a/month
 Cancel your plan anytime, otherwise renewal is automatic.
 This plan comes with a 14-day satisfaction guarantee when you begin.
 Unlimited viewing on all your devices.
Click here to join.


Annual Membership

 Annual Membership $ 120.00 a/year
 This plan comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you begin.
 After 30 days you are not able to cancel your annual membership for the remaining time. You will have access until the end of the paid billing period.
 Unlimited viewing on all your devices.

Click here to join.

Student Membership

 Student Membership $ 6.99 a/month
 Cancel your plan anytime, otherwise renewal is automatic.
 This plan comes with a 14-day satisfaction guarantee when you begin.
 Unlimited viewing on all your devices.
During registration, please provide:
Name of school (high school, college, university or technical school), school administrator contact phone number, proof of active enrollment, field of study, and anticipated year of graduation

Click here to join.



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